Scott Mullaney
Director Of Animal Services, Unique Pest Management
Scott Mullaney, along with wife Angie, own and operate Unique Pest Management, a biological pest control company based out of Northern Virginia. The company provides canine rat detection and abatement services, as well as canine mouse detection services to urban areas along the eastern coast. Mullaney is a certified pesticide applicator in multiple states. He served as the vice president of the Maryland State Pest Control Association, as well as vice president and on the board of directors for the World Detector Dog Organization, an independent canine scent detection certification association. Mullaney has presented on canine-assisted rodent control at rodent academies in Washington, D.C., Cambridge, Mass., Texas A&M, California and at NPMA PestWorld. He has also presented at food safety conferences in the District of Columbia, Florida, and Virginia. The Mullaneys have been featured in numerous media pieces, including the April 2019 edition of National Geographic magazine, The PBS documentary “The Human Footprint,” the Canadian Broadcast Corporation documentary “Rat City,” the Washington Post and Boston Globe newspapers, and in PCT magazine.