Schedule of Events
Rodent Control Virtual Conference
11:00 AM – 11:15 AM

11:15 AM – 11:25 AM
IPM & Smart Rodent Monitoring Tools
How to integrate simple-to-use technology into your rodent control program and why it’s necessary.

Patrick Lynch
Chief Commercial Officer & President
Bell Laboratories, Inc. & Bell Sensing Technologies
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11:25 AM – 12:25 PM
The Pace of the Industry's Rodent Control Knowledge Curve at 2025
Information scientists report that we are now doubling the human knowledge curve at a dizzying rate of every 12 hours (It took 100 years in the year 1900 to achieve this doubling). And with the rapid adoption and enthusiastic acceptance of the utility of Artificial Intelligence (AI), this rate will for sure only increase more. Pest management will not be exempt from this unbelievable fast race. But what does our future look like for rodent control in just the next year of 2025 which represents 180 turns of doubling? What baits will we be using? What bait actives will we be more environmentally conscience of going forth regardless of the EPA actions? What are the most important rodent control training needs for our technicians for 2025? The goal of this session is to address these future directions and to also address any open floor questions and concerns of the moment.

12:30 PM – 12:40 PM
Exclusion Solutions for Commercial Facilities

12:40 PM – 1:40 PM
Canine Assisted Rodent Control
Specially trained and certified dogs can be used to detect and remove rats from properties. They also can be used to detect mice. Learn about these services, which are growing in popularity in parts of the country. Scott Mullaney, owner of Northern Virginia-based Unique Pest Management and a past vice president of the World Detector Dog Organization, is a recognized leader when it comes to using dogs for rodent detection. In this session, Mullaney will discuss rodent control in urban settings and how his company is using ratting dogs in these challenging environments.

1:45 PM – 1:55 PM
Sponsor Session - Liphatech

1:55 PM – 2:55 PM
Debunking Urban Rodent Myths
In today’s digital age, it can be difficult to parse out fact from fiction, especially when it comes to rodents. It’s a reminder why for pest management professionals there is no substitute for learning about rodent biology and behavior and spending significant time at each account to observe this behavior first-hand. Join rodent control specialist Timmy Madere as he will discuss common misconceptions and flat out lies about urban/commensal rodents biology, behavior and control. Madere also will teach techniques and methods to improve rodent control efforts.

Timmy Madere
Pest Control Specialist
New Orleans Mosquito, Rodent and Termite Control Board
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3:00 PM – 3:10 PM
Using Remote Devices and Maximizing Their benefits at food plants
We will review all of the different devices currently available to PMPs and also show how these devices are being used to help PMPs identify high-risk areas. We will also touch on methods that do not require rodenticide.

3:10 PM – 4:10 PM
Rodent Management: An Integrated Approach
The future uses of rodenticides are up in the air right now due to a variety of influences including state and local actions and the EPA potentially changing labels through the PID. How will these impact our ability to control rodents? The pest control industry is rethinking the services it provides and the way it uses these tools. In this session, Darren Van Steenwyk, regional entomologist, Sprague Pest Solutions, will talk about some the ways the industry uses rodenticides in conjunction with non-chemical controls and how these could impact our service offerings.